
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

WinUtilities ( FREE ) Edition 9 - Buat PC Anda Bersih & Cepat !!

In our duties reviewing software for we install and uninstall a lot of programs. As we're sure you can imagine, this creates a bit of a mess on our PC. Many programs leave files behind when they're uninstalled, and since we're constantly downloading and deleting things, we end up with a lot of invalid shortcuts, broken registry entries, etc. For this very reason, we were excited about trying WinUtilities Free Edition, a suite of tools designed to free up disk space and improve system performance. We were quite pleased with the program's results.

Some of what WinUtilities does--disk defragmenting and cleanup, for example--can be accomplished using the System Tools that come with Windows. But we liked the way the program combined these and other functions into one clean, intuitive interface, making all of the most useful Windows maintenance utilities easy to access. The program contains a full complement of features to help you manage your computer's performance and security, including a file shredder, duplicate file finder, task scheduler, and much more. The program's One-Click Maintenance feature allows users to run a variety of customizable buttons with the click of a single button. The program's built-in Help file is well written and thorough. Overall, we were quite impressed with WinUtilities, and we think it's a great tool for keeping your system in good shape and free of performance-hindering junk.

3 komentar:

  1. Terimakasih atas informasi yang sudah diberikan.Semoga membantu temen-temen yang sedang bingung untuk merawat PC/komputernya.Kira-kira klo pake ultilities bakal memperlambat kinerja komputer ga ya..??
    BTW, udah bergabung dengan program publisher dari Kalau belum, boleh dicoba bergabung. Gratis. Sudah ada 10.000+ publisher yang bergabung, lho. Daftar tanpa biaya, dan selalu dibayar tepat waktu. Silakan dicoba aja. Keterangan lengkap ada di websitenya, :)

  2. dalam menggunakan utilities memang harus cermat, karena jika kita menggunakannya dengan cermat dan pintar, PC akan semakin cepat karena dibantu dgn utilities tsb, namun jika dlm pnggunaannya kurang cermat, justru dgn banyaknya utilities dan tk pernah dpkai,pc akan jd lambat
    Terimakasih undangannya.. langsung gabung !!


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